The Health of the Pomsky!
How to Take Care of the Pomsky's Health
The Perfect Blend of Husky and Spitz
How can I take care of my Pomsky? What kind of food should I provide? What does he need to be happy?
We will tell you everything!
Pomsky Health: Choosing the Right Nutrition
To ensure good health for your Pomsky, one can rely on a diet consisting of dry kibble. Of course, it should be tailored to their weight, age, and overall health. This includes specific issues and sterilization.
Ideally, divide their daily portion in two. This way, they can eat once in the morning and once in the evening. The recommended amount may vary depending on the individual. Some Pomskies are self-regulating and won't overeat, so you can freely give them kibble. However, others may require a precise measured dose, often indicated on the package of dry food.
It's true that small treats here and there are always appreciated!
There are other ways to feed your Pomsky, such as the BARF diet (raw meat-based) or homemade meals. It's important to consult with your veterinarian to ensure balanced rations. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that your dog doesn't lack any essential nutrients for their well-being.
In any case, to guarantee the Pomsky's good health, we recommend choosing high-quality kibble. We use the brand Croquette France for our dogs and puppies: CHATS | Francecroquette (

Maintaining your Pomsky is essential to ensure their good health.
The Pomsky is a crossbreed between two fairly robust primitive breeds: the Husky and the Spitz. They are not particularly sensitive to either hot or cold temperatures, as their coat adapts to different climates and seasons. This means that they can accompany you on your various adventures, but they can also live in Canada or in the south of France.
In terms of caring for a Pomsky, it will be necessary to occasionally brush their coat, especially during their shedding period, which occurs when transitioning from hot to cold and vice versa, as the dog will lose a lot of hair. This shedding typically occurs twice a year, so brushing should be done every two days, or even daily. Of course, if you choose a Pomsky with a long coat, you will have to provide more care than if you opt for a Pomsky with a short coat.
Some Pomskies, like Spitz breeds, tend to have watery eyes. Therefore, you may need to regularly clean their eyes with a saline solution if that is the case.
As with any other dog breed, regularly giving your Pomsky chew bones can help promote good oral hygiene and dental care.
In any case, it is recommended to have regular check-ups with a veterinarian and groomer to provide necessary care for your Pomsky.
For more recommendations and advice on Pomsky health, do not hesitate to consult the following link: Pomsky Care and Maintenance
Pomsky Health: A Crossbreed Resulting in Robust Health
It is often human-driven selective breeding that has led to the emergence of genetic diseases in many dog breeds.
Indeed, in order to always conform to the so-called breed standards, humans have induced and weakened the bodies of many dogs. However, the Pomsky, being a crossbreed of two other breeds, currently escapes this drastic selection.
We still have little hindsight, but for the moment, no pathology has been reported. However, it remains important for each breeder to perform Embark testing on their breeding dogs to ensure they are free of genetic disease.
The Pomsky appears to be sensitive at the intestinal level. It is therefore important to provide them with suitable and high-quality nutrition.
The lifespan of a Pomsky is 15 years, like many of their canine counterparts.

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