Our Pomsky Kennel
Our Pomskies are raised with a lot of passion and care
Cute Teddy Bear Faces That Will Melt Your Heart
We have chosen to import most of our breeding dogs from the United States and exclusively work with dogs from advanced generations ranging from F2 to F5 and beyond! This rigorous selection enables us to offer physically and morphologically stable puppies, with weights ranging from 4 to 15 kg. All our dogs are tested with Embark and have DNA that includes both the Husky and the Spitz breeds.
In order to meet the needs and expectations of each family, we work with three Pomsky sizes: toy, miniature, and standard. Pomsky toys weigh less than 6 kg, miniatures weigh less than 10 kg, while standards have a weight under 13 kg. We are truly passionate about the Pomsky and want to share everything with you about this adorable crossbreed between a Husky and a Spitz, as well as introduce you to our world and our Pomsky breeding.
Focus on Health and DNA Testing
All of our dogs are Embark tested with the goal of guaranteeing you a puppy free of genetic defects, as well as having Husky-Spitz DNA. If you would like to learn more about the Embark test or where to have your Pomsky tested, here is the link: Embark Dog DNA Test: Most Accurate & Highest Reviewed Dog DNA Test (embarkvet.com)
All Pomsky clubs allow for a 15% variation from another breed, which can be the Eskimo, Malamute, or Samoyed. In the United States, many breeders have integrated a third breed into their Pomskies, particularly the Eskimo. In fact, for the Pomsky to be recognized as a breed, its DNA must be composed of three breeds, namely Husky, Spitz, and a mystery breed that could be the Eskimo.
While we wait for directives, we stick to the Husky-Spitz Pomsky!
Here is the link to the Pomsky France club: CLUB OFFICIEL DU POMSKY EN FRANCE (clubpomskyfrance.fr)
We have chosen to be transparent and provide our future families with the Embark tests of both parents of our puppies. So, you can move forward with us with confidence and be sure to have a true Pomsky with a stable physique and character!
All of our dogs and puppies are, of course, also followed by a veterinary doctor, have access to high-quality food at will, and engage in physical and mental activities throughout the day to ensure their well-being!

Everything You Need to Know About Pomsky Breeding
Pomsky in One Word
The Pomsky is a crossbreed between two different breeds, the Husky and the Pomeranian.
But why decide to crossbreed a Pomeranian and a Husky?
Indeed, these two dogs belong to different breeds, with very different sizes and morphologies. The Pomeranian is a small-sized dog, with long hair and also called a Pomeranian Spitz. It is a playful dog, very close to its owner, always in a good mood, and very affectionate. On the other hand, the Husky is a large-sized dog, with short hair, full of energy. It is a very intelligent and quite independent dog. It is majestic and has always made many French people dream.
The main purpose of creating the Pomsky is to offer a mini Husky with long hair and a sweet character, ideal for city and apartment living. Thus, the Pomsky has a softer and more malleable character than the Husky. It is also very affectionate with its owner, loves children and other animals. It is important to note that the DNA of the Pomsky must contain only the presence of Husky and Pomeranian, although a 15% delta of Malamute is accepted by breed clubs. To be certain of the breeds present in the DNA of your Pomsky, you can request genetic tests from the parents, such as Embark or Widson.

Our Pomsky Breeding Beginnings
In 2019, I discovered the POMSKY for the first time, also known as a "Designer Dog" in the United States. This breed is the result of a cross between a Husky and a Pomeranian.
I was immediately fascinated by the beauty, elegance, intelligence, and stubbornness of the Husky. Unfortunately, this breed is often the victim of abandonment due to its primitive character, which can be difficult to handle for inexperienced families. That is why I chose to take an interest in the Pomsky, which seems to have a gentler character than the Husky while retaining the appearance of a miniature Husky.
Is the Pomsky a Breed?
The Pomsky is not yet recognized by the French Kennel Club (SCC), which means that for now, it cannot be registered in the French Book of Origins (LOF). However, more and more breeders are starting to take an interest in this promising hybrid breed. Therefore, it is possible that the Pomsky may be recognized by the SCC in the future. In the meantime, it is essential to check the reputation of the breeder before buying a Pomsky, in order to ensure the quality and health of the dog.
Nevertheless, there are many breed clubs around the Pomsky in different countries: USA, Russia, the Philippines, Belgium, and since 2021, two French clubs (Club Officiel Du Pomsky en France and Officiel Pomsky France Club). Here is the link to the Pomsky Club France: CLUB OFFICIEL DU POMSKY EN FRANCE (clubpomskyfrance.fr)
The fact that the Pomsky is Non-Lof (not registered in a French breed registry) makes scams even easier as a breeder can sell you a crossbreed of 5 different breeds while still calling the dog a Pomsky.
Therefore, it is important to thoroughly research the breeding and DNA testing performed on the breeding dogs.
One of the guarantees can also be to turn to a breeding member of the Pomsky Club France.
Pomsky breeding: why?
The goal of our Pomsky breeding is to:
- Maintain the elegance of the Husky
- Keep the markings and coat of the Husky
- Achieve the fluffy coat of the Spitz
- Have a gentle and playful temperament
- Avoid having a barking dog
- Reduce the size of the Husky
Reasons for the success of Pomsky breeding:
The Pomsky became famous thanks to many viral videos on social media, which highlighted its teddy bear-like face. It perfectly represents the current "kawaii" trend, which emphasizes cute and adorable things, with its pretty face and beautiful coat.
Many families are attracted to the Pomsky because of its cute appearance. Often, they are Husky fans who live in Paris or the Paris region and cannot accommodate a large-sized dog. The Pomsky is then an excellent alternative, as it is smaller and has a gentler temperament.
The origins of the Pomsky:
The Pomsky's origin can be traced back to the United States, where it was created through a planned crossbreeding between a Spitz and a Husky using artificial insemination.
However, it is difficult to identify the first Pomsky breeder or lineage. Many Pomsky breeders in the United States have large followings on social media, such as Legitimate Pomskies, Maine Aim Ranch, and A-Dream Pomsky Kennel.
In Europe, Pomsky breeding began about 5 to 7 years ago, with breeders such as Pomsky Europe and Lovely Pomsky France.
Since the breed is still relatively new, many breeders continue to work on developing new lines and improving the Pomsky's temperament and physical characteristics, often by crossing them with other breeds.
In their own breeding program, the author of the text mentions that they only work with Pomskies from advanced generations (F3, F4, F5) to ensure stable physical and behavioral traits for their adopters.
To learn more about the history of Pomsky Know everything about Pomsky (mouss-le-chien.com)

Pomsky: What is their character like?
The Pomsky is like a teddy bear with a stubborn coat!
At our breeding, Pomskies have the character of big teddy bears. They love their human and need to follow them everywhere! Their guilty pleasure is cuddling, which they never tire of. The Pomsky does not like to be alone; it remains a pack animal that needs company and attention.
However, it is a stubborn dog that knows what it wants and does not want, and will let you know.
Behavior within our Pomsky Breeding
Whether you live in an apartment or a house with a garden, you will need to meet the physical and cognitive needs of your Pomsky. Leaving him in the garden all day is not enough, as this breed requires learning and going out, like many dog breeds. Therefore, you will need to have time and be ready to invest.
Above all, the Pomsky is a friendly dog who loves both adults and children and will make you smile with his energy and adorable face.
The Pomsky does not bark much, but instead tends to howl like a wolf when he wants to express himself.
Pomsky Character
It is important to note that the temperament of a Pomsky varies depending on its generation, breeding, and the individual dog itself. If you choose a Pomsky F1 or a crossbreed with a Husky (b), then your Pomsky will have a character closer to that of the Husky.
On the other hand, if you opt for F2, F3, F4 crossbreeds, your Pomsky will have character traits similar to those of a Pomeranian/Spitz Nain, even if it may still have a very Husky appearance. Therefore, it is essential to do your research and trust the breeder who will help you choose the ideal generation.
The breeder plays a crucial role in selecting and socializing your puppy, which will have a significant impact on your future relationship and the character of your Pomsky. For this reason, it is important to choose a trustworthy breeder.
I am sharing an article with you on how to choose the right breeder: How to Choose Your Breeder?
Pomsky health
How to Maintain the Good Health of Your Pomsky
The Pomsky is a robust dog and we have not yet observed any major health problems to date, which eliminates any need for particular vigilance. It is also a fairly recent crossbreed, which has not undergone excessive selection, which is beneficial for its health, unlike some LOF breeds today affected by health problems due to human over-selection.
It can tolerate hot and cold temperatures thanks to its thick fur, whether fluffy or polar, and its straight ears do not require any particular care. The Pomsky has an average life expectancy of 10 to 15 years. However, it is crucial to have your Pomsky regularly examined by a veterinarian to quickly detect any health problems.
How to Preserve Your Pomsky's Good Health?
The Pomsky is a robust and healthy dog. However, preventive measures must be taken and regular monitoring ensured. The veterinarian must vaccinate and protect against internal and external parasites every year.
Sterilization is an important measure for its well-being. It prevents many cancers and guarantees a peaceful life. It is important to note that Pomsky breeding is reserved for professionals with a SIREN number. An interesting article on sterilization is available here: Sterilization: what benefits for dogs and cats? - dog diseases and prevention - dog - SantéVet (santevet.com)
The Diet of the Pomsky
The diet of the Pomsky, like many dogs, often consists of kibble.
Therefore, it is important to carefully select the type of kibble you choose. It is not recommended to choose kibble from supermarkets. Instead, opt for high-quality kibble with a high protein content.
Furthermore, an increasing number of owners also choose to feed their dogs a BARF diet, which is an excellent choice. I am attaching a more detailed article about this new type of diet: What is BARF Diet? - BARF-ASSO: 1901 law association promoting natural nutrition for domestic carnivores (dogs, cats, and ferrets) - dogs, cats, and ferrets.
Pomsky Breeding: Discover the Various Types of Pomsky
The Generations of Pomsky
The Pomsky is a complex breed with various characteristics, depending on the generation it belongs to.
Indeed, depending on the percentage of Husky or Pomeranian in its DNA, the Pomsky will have different physical traits and temperament. The higher the percentage of Husky, the more athletic the dog will be and the closer its temperament will be to that of a Husky, which is a rather primitive dog. On the other hand, if the Pomsky has a higher percentage of Pomeranian, it will be smaller and calmer, with a temperament closer to that of a Pomeranian. sical and behavioral stability.
At our Pomsky breeding, we specialize in selecting and breeding advanced generation Pomskies F3, F4, F5, to offer our adopters dogs with optimal physical and behavioral stability.
Generation and Size of Pomsky
It is difficult to determine the generation of a Pomsky based solely on its physical appearance, and likewise, it is not easy to determine the exact size of a Pomsky based on its generation.
It is primarily the size of the parents and the breeder who knows their lines that can help you determine the approximate size of your future puppy. You can read the following article to learn more about the size of Pomsky:Pomsky Size (royaumedesgalopins.fr)
Types of Pomsky
Pomsky F1: Pomeranian father + Husky mother (50% Pomeranian, 50% Husky)
Pomsky F1B : Pomsky father F1 + mother Husky (75 % Husky 25 % Pomeranian)
Pomsky F1A: Pomeranian father + Pomsky F1 mother (25% Husky, 75% Pomeranian)
Pomsky F2: Pomsky father F1 + Pomsky mother F1 (50% Pomeranian, 50% Husky)
Pomsky F3: Pomsky father F2 + Pomsky mother F2 (50% Pomeranian, 50% Husky)
There are also Pomsky F2A and F2B, as well as Pomsky F3A and F3B. You can learn more about Pomsky generations by following this link Pomsky Generation F1, F2, F2B, can someone explain? (royaumedesgalopins.fr)
Attention, please note that despite what some breeders may claim, the generation of a Pomsky is not directly related to its size. For example, a F3 Pomsky is not necessarily smaller than a F2 Pomsky. It all depends on the selection work done by the breeder. Once again, it is best to express your preferences to your breeder so they can guide you accordingly.

Our Pomsky Kennel
Types of Pomsky in Our Breeding Program
Our Pomsky breeding program exclusively works with advanced generations F2, F3, and F4.
We do not produce B, A, or F1 generations, as we have found these crosses to be too unstable in terms of both size and morphology.
To provide you with stable and conforming puppies, we have carefully selected the best bloodlines from America and Russia.
In our Pomsky breeding program, all of our breeding dogs have only two breeds in their DNA, namely Husky and Spitz. No other breed is present, so we guarantee true 100% Pomsky.
To ensure this, all of our breeding dogs undergo EMBARK or Wilson testing.
The Embark test not only guarantees that you have a true Pomsky, but also provides you with information about the health of your puppies.
Life in Our Pomsky Breeding Program
In our Pomsky breeding program, all of our breeding dogs are social and fulfilled. Throughout the year, we offer them physical and mental activities with a canine behaviorist who is present 5 days a week at the breeding program. They can enjoy a family life like any other dog, and are never locked in cages. They participate in our family life.
Our breeding program places great emphasis on the socialization of our puppies. From the first days of life, we stimulate them physically. As they grow, we expose them to different textures, sounds, other dog breeds, other animals, and more.
Health is a Priority in Our Pomsky Breeding Program
All of our puppies leave vaccinated, identified, dewormed, with a certificate of good health, a puppy kit, a welcome guide, and a 3-month insurance policy with Santévet. All of our breeding dogs are tested for breed-related defects and are monitored by a health veterinarian to ensure their good health.
Choosing Your Pomsky at Royaume des Galopins
Choosing Your Pomsky Kennel
Our goal is to offer you beautiful puppies that meet your criteria in terms of size, temperament, and good health.
Each of our adopters provides us with their criteria and tells us about their lifestyle so that we can best meet their expectations.
Our Commitment to You
We guide and assist our families in the education of their Pomsky and even offer weekly support during the first few months to help you with the acquisition process.
- The recall
- Cleanliness
- Learning to be alone
- Walking on a leash
- Managing biting
- And much more
Photo by Joe Pomsky: https://www.facebook.com/likeboubou
The Different Colors of Pomsky
Types of Pomsky in Our Breeding Program
At Royaume des Galopins, we have decided to work only with dogs with fleur-de-lis masks, like those found in the Husky breed.
We do not work with the colors pinto, fox, and merle.
However, you can find Pomskies with the following colors: Chocolate & White, Gray & White, Black & White, Blue, Agouti, White.
Discover our breeding center
To learn more, head over to our blog!

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