Introduction: What is a Pomsky?
The Pomsky is a dog resulting from the crossbreeding between a Husky and a Spitz in the first generation. It is a small to medium-sized dog that is perfectly suited for family and city life.
The Pomsky first appeared in the 2000s in the United States with the goal of creating a small-sized dog that resembles a Husky but has a gentler temperament and is well-suited for family life.
The Pomsky has the features of a Husky, often with a beautiful fleur-de-lis mask and a coat similar to that of a Husky. It resembles a perpetual Husky puppy with a more malleable character.
The crossbreeding of two very different but complementary breeds aims to create a new breed that is better suited for city living. Today, the Pomsky can easily live in an apartment and get along with other small-sized animals.
Despite its small size, it's important to remember that the Pomsky has a percentage of Husky DNA. Therefore, it needs physical and mental exercise.
In terms of temperament, the Pomsky will have the playful, friendly, and sociable side of the Spitz, but also the determined, stubborn, adventurous, and affectionate side of the Husky. It will be important to stimulate them mentally and establish clear rules from a young age to provide them with the necessary structure and reassurance.
In terms of health, the Pomsky has an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years. It is a hardy dog, resilient to both hot and cold temperatures. If the parents are tested and the breeder has conducted good selection, it is a healthy dog with no known health issues to be vigilant about at the moment. However, like any other puppy, it is recommended to have regular check-ups with a veterinarian to ensure the health of your Pomsky.
There are many Pomsky dogs, and they all look different depending on their size, lineage, and generation. Your Pomsky may not require the same level of activity as others based on these factors. If you want to learn more about the types of Pomsky, I invite you to read the following blog article: Pomsky Generation F1, F2, F2B, can someone explain? (

Walks and Hikes with Your Pomsky Puppy
The Pomsky is a small, lively dog full of energy. Therefore, it will be interesting to offer them different activities based on their age.
Below is a table summarizing the different activities you can do with your puppy based on their age, which will allow you to adapt the activities for your Pomsky.

One of the activities that your Pomsky will love is walks and hikes. There is a wide variety of walks ,that you can vary regularly to further stimulate your puppy. Varying walks and activities for your Pomsky is essential.
The first walk that comes to mind is the sanitary walkwhich is a relatively short walk ranging from a few minutes to thirty minutes that takes place around the family home. The dog is often kept on a leash, and the main objective of this walk is to allow the dog to relieve itself.
This walk has the advantage of allowing the Pomsky puppy to relieve itself, but it will be less stimulating in terms of physical, intellectual, exploratory, and social expenditure. Indeed, the dog remains in a familiar environment.
The sanitary walk remains an essential and necessary walk in the life of your dog.
The second type of walk you can think of is the educational walk.During this walk, the dog will walk, run, and play as usual, but this time, the walk will be interspersed with learning. It's an opportunity to work on commands like recall or "stay."
The duration of this walk can vary, and it's important to prepare for it in advance in order to properly stimulate your dog.
The classic walk, can take place around your home or in another location. It can vary in duration and its goal is to meet your dog's exercise needs as much as possible. It's recommended to use a long leash to offer more freedom to the dog, avoiding a leash that's too short. This walk will allow your dog to meet its physical and mental exercise needs, as well as take care of its bathroom needs. Unlike the sanitary walk, the classic walk is more stimulating, allowing the dog more freedom to discover new places, which satisfies its need for exploration.
The group walk involves bringing together multiple owners and their dogs for a walk. It's a very interesting walk as it meets almost all of the dog's needs. It addresses the need for social interaction, allows for walks in unusual places, often in forests or through fields, thus fulfilling the dog's need for exploration. Your dog will be surrounded by other dogs, which will make it exercise more and fully meet its physical exercise needs. In addition, dogs learn a lot through imitation, so this walk will also meet their mental exercise needs.
There are many Facebook groups and websites of dog trainers that offer group walks, which you can find in your area. Dog Walks 92 | Facebook also you can find websites like: Group walks with you and your Purement Canin dog.
Cani-marche is a walk that has a primary goal of physical expenditure. The objective is for your dog, with the help of specific equipment, to pull you along and not stop every two minutes to sniff. It is an excellent way to meet your dog's physical exercise needs. To learn more about cani-marche, you can visit the following website: La cani-marche, un sport à pratiquer avec son chien de 7 à 77 ans! (
If you want to learn more about types of walks, you can also check the following link: Les différents types de balades (
Another activity idea for your Pomsky is hiking, which involves much longer walks lasting from one to several hours. It generally allows you to discover new places. Hiking meets the physical and intellectual exercise needs of your dog and, of course, also provides an opportunity for your dog to meet their physiological needs. It is important to ensure that your dog is in good health and to be properly equipped to respond to any eventuality before going on a hike. It is advisable to wait until your puppy is 6-7 months old before going on a hike or to bring a backpack where you can put them when they get tired. Hikes can take place in very different places, with the main goal being to have fun and spend quality time together. I have included some ideas for beautiful hikes: Les 5 plus beaux GR de France à parcourir avec son chien | Emmène ton chien (

Activities for your Pomsky: Interactive games
It is very interesting to offer interactive games to your Pomsky. These games will stimulate their senses and help develop their cognitive abilities. It is always important to vary activities for your Pomsky.
Interactive games are often recommended by dog trainers and breeders. They help stimulate your dog's intellect, make them think, and keep them occupied during your absence. They are also a good way to strengthen your bond with your four-legged companion and build their confidence.
There is a wide variety of interactive games available today, all with the same objective of making your dog think to find the solution. Examples of interactive games include sound balls that make noise every time your dog pushes or picks them up. This noise encourages your dog to play longer and provides more stimulation than a simple tennis ball. Sound balls often come in different shapes and colors to stimulate your dog's other senses.
The hide-and-seek squirrelgame is shaped like a tree trunk with holes where squirrels hide. Your dog tries to get the squirrels out of their hiding places. This game is interesting because it engages your dog's different senses. It is similar to a foraging mat where you would scatter kibble.
There are food dispensers or treat dispensersavailable in various brands and shapes, such as balls, rings, or bones. Your dog uses their nose and makes different movements to get the food out.
Puzzlesalso come in a variety of types, but the principle is the same every time: your dog has to move different pieces with their nose or paws to find hidden treats underneath.
If you want to learn more about interactive games, here are some links: Les meilleurs jouets interactifs pour chien (pour bien l'occuper) (
14 jeux d'intelligence qui marchent pour les chiens qui s'ennuient | Rover
Agility and Canine Sports are activities suitable for your Pomsky.
Agility is one of the most well-known canine sports. It is a discipline practiced by a dog and its owner with the goal of navigating a course that often includes obstacles such as bridges, tunnels, hurdles, swings, and ramps.
The objective of agility is to complete the course as quickly as possible with as few faults as possible. Of course, this sport can be intense, and you should wait until your dog is at least 12 months old before participating in agility. However, you can start earlier if the obstacles are kept on the ground and no jumping is involved. Similarly, you should not demand too much speed from your dog initially. The primary objective of these precautions is to protect your dog's joints.
Agility is a very enriching sport that will allow you to develop a strong bond of complicity with your dog, learn new commands together, work on your dog's concentration, and meet your dog's physical and mental exercise needs.
Pomskies are dogs that love agility and will be thrilled to participate with you. However, it should be noted that unfortunately, Pomskies cannot participate in competitions because they are not recognized by the French Kennel Club (LOF). We hope this will change in the coming years. If you are interested in this sport, I have attached a comprehensive article about this discipline: Faire de l'agility avec son chien (
There are numerous agility clubs today that allow you to practice this discipline. Alternatively, you can also find agility courses on Amazon or similar websites for around a hundred euros.
Among the sports that you can practice with your Pomsky, there is also Dog Dancing , which is a canine education discipline performed to music. It is a very interesting discipline that gives the impression that the owner and the dog are dancing together. Through exceptional complicity and perfectly executed commands, the owner and the dog perform various figures and routines.
This discipline will strengthen the bond of complicity between the dog and the owner and also provide physical and mental exercise.
I have attached a more comprehensive article about Dog Dancing: C'est quoi le dog-dancing? - Commission Nationale Éducation et Activités Cynophiles (
You can also check out the Instagram account of Sya_pomsky. Sya and her owner have been practicing Dog Dancing for a few months, and the results are incredible.
Among the activities suitable for your Pomsky, we can also talk about Canicross , which is another very interesting canine sport that you can practice with your Pomsky. Canicross involves running with your dog while being attached to him or her. This discipline was originally created to train Huskies during hot weather periods. It is now popularized and can be practiced with any type of dog. However, it is worth mentioning that Pomskies have a percentage of Husky DNA and are likely to enjoy this activity. Canicross is an intense sport, so it is important to wait until your Pomsky has finished growing before participating in this activity with him or her. A veterinary checkup is also important to ensure that your dog is physically fit for this discipline.
Additionally, you will need to equip your dog with appropriate gear, including a harness specifically designed for canicross.
Socialization of Pomsky: Key Steps
Among the activities to practice with your Pomsky, we can also talk about the socialization of the puppy, which is a key step for Pomskies as well as for all dogs.
The first socialization work of the puppy begins with the breeder. Indeed, at the age of 2 to 3 months, the puppy should already be familiar with different noises, not be fearful, and demonstrate a friendly and playful character. It is essential that the breeder has carried out this socialization work to facilitate the puppy's arrival at your home and future learning.
Socialization is an everyday affair and should not be neglected to avoid any behavioral problems. Every noise at home is an opportunity to socialize the puppy. The same goes for outdoor outings or different encounters, noises, and smells that will naturally awaken your puppy.
In order to have a well-educated Pomsky, it is essential to proceed gradually and discovery by discovery. Every new experience should be positive for the puppy. Any encounter or situation where the puppy feels in danger and shows signs of stress should be stopped automatically.
The Husky remains a fairly wary dog, especially towards strangers, and although the Pomsky is generally friendly, it is important to be vigilant and work on this from a young age. Remember that every outing or indoor activity is an opportunity to socialize your puppy. The worst mistake is to never take a puppy outside and just settle for walks in the garden. A poorly socialized puppy is a future fearful dog that may develop behavioral issues.
I am attaching two very interesting articles on puppy socialization: "La sociabilisation du chien: les erreurs à ne pas commettre" ( and "Socialiser son chien: les points essentiels de la socialisation" (
Indoor activities for your Pomsky
It may also be interesting to consider indoor activities for your Pomsky. Despite spending a lot of time at home, it is important to stimulate your Pomsky even indoors.
Among the interesting activities we already have are interactive and occupation games. They will keep your dog busy and make time pass more quickly.
Chewing activities are also essential indoor activities, such as with deer antlers, pig ears, or cow hooves. Chewing is very important for any dog, as it helps prevent boredom and maintain dental health.
You can also play obedience games with your dog. In 5 to 10-minute sessions, you can teach your dog a new command. This activity will allow your dog to expend mental energy. According to me, the most important command to teach your Pomsky or any dog is recall, which means coming back to you when you call their name.
You can also play hide and seek with your dog. This game will develop your dog's sense of smell and hearing. The game involves asking your dog to stay seated in one room and not move, then you go hide in another room. Afterwards, you call your dog and they have to find you as quickly as possible. It's a fun and simple activity to do.
If you want more ideas for indoor activities for your Pomsky, here is an interesting link: "Les jeux à pratiquer avec son chien en intérieur" (
In conclusion
So, as you have understood from this article, despite its small size, the Pomsky, which is a crossbreed between a Spitz and a Husky, needs both physical and mental exercise.
It is a dynamic small dog whose needs should be fulfilled throughout its life.
In this article, we have mentioned numerous activities you can do with your Pomsky: walks, hikes, games, sports, socialization, obedience... In any case, it is important to vary the activities and adapt to the age and needs of your dog. Each Pomsky is unique and will have different needs.
In any case, before being an adorable mini husky, the Pomsky remains an active and dynamic dog that will require at least 1.5 hours of activities per day. We'll let you create your schedule and enjoy with your little wolf.