Pomsky F1, F2, F3, F4 - What Does It Mean?
Why do we talk about generations in Pomskies? In this article, we will explain the different generations F1, F2, F3, F4 and why they are important to consider when choosing a Pomsky.
The Pomsky is a relatively new breed that was created in the early 2000s in the United States. It is a crossbreed between a Husky and a Pomeranian. The Pomsky has become famous thanks to social media and its cute teddy bear-like appearance.
Since the Pomsky is a new breed, we still talk in terms of generations to indicate the level of selection that has been done.

The breeder is expected to select the physically most harmonious and temperamentally stable puppies in each generation. Thus, the more advanced the generation, the more the puppy is supposed to be mature and refined after several years of selection by the breeder.
In order to offer the most physically and morphologically stable puppies, we have decided to produce only F3 to F5 generations, which have at least 3 to 4 generations of selection behind them.
However, some breeders in France still continue to produce the very first crossbreed known as Pomsky F1, between a Husky and a Pomeranian.
Please note that in any case, a Pomsky must have Husky Spitz DNA. To ensure this, it is important to consult the Embark tests of the parents of your future puppy. This is the only way to know if your future puppy is a true Pomsky or a simple mix. Of course, the price should not be the same.
With the popularity and high price of the Pomsky, more and more breeders are starting to make risky crosses, far from the husky spitz cross or the resale of dogs from Russia. The main problems with these risky crosses can be : Health problems because there is no hindsight, character problems: aggressive dogs, runaways, with a strong hunting instinct, fearful, etc.
It is very important to research carefully before buying a Pomsky, as you will not have any guarantees since your puppy does not belong to any breed.
This is one of the reasons why only breeders with a SIREN number are legally authorized to sell a Pomsky.
The First Generation: F1
It all starts with the first generation and the insemination of a Husky with a Pomeranian.
Breed clubs strongly recommend that both parents be registered with LOF (French book of origins).
Therefore, the mother is a pure 100% Siberian Husky breed. The father is a pure 100% Pomeranian Spitz breed.
There is a wide variety of Huskies and Spitz, especially in terms of size, morphology, hair color, and eye color. The breeder is therefore responsible for selecting the Husky and Spitz.
The Pomsky F1 is a perfect mix between a 100% Siberian Husky and a 100% Pomeranian Spitz. Your F1 puppy will therefore be 50% Siberian Husky and 50% Pomeranian Spitz.
It will normally be of medium size and have standard fur, which is the fur of a Husky.
Advantages of having an F1 Pomsky:
It is an opportunity for the breeder to create a new lineage and avoid inbreeding.
Disadvantages of having an F1 Pomsky:
It is often of a large size, there is little hindsight on the stability of the crossbreed, it is difficult to predict the morphology of the puppies, and it is important to verify the motivations of the breeder for a profitable crossbreed.
The Pomsky F1B or F1A: Backcross Pomsky Generation
The Pomsky F1B and F1A are part of the first generation.
We are going to cross a Pomsky F1 with a pure Siberian Husky 100% or a pure Pomeranian Spitz 100%.
There are two types of Backcross Pomsky:
- The Pomsky F1B: It is a 25% Pomeranian and 75% Siberian Husky resulting from a crossbreed between a Husky and an F1 Pomsky (50% Husky - 50% Pomeranian).
- The Pomsky F1A: It is a 75% Pomeranian & 25% Siberian Husky resulting from a crossbreed between a Pomeranian and an F1 Pomsky (50% Husky - 50% Pomeranian). Note that some also call this Pomsky F1B.
It should be noted that the size and morphology of a 75% Husky F1B Pomsky or a 25% Husky F1A Pomsky will be completely different.
In Case 1, your F1B will be larger, have a more Husky look, but also have a character closer to that of the Husky.
In Case 2 F1A, your Pomsky will be smaller in size, and its character, attitude, and appearance will resemble that of the Spitz. You can consult the following article on size: Pomsky Size (royaumedesgalopins.fr) Pomsky Size (royaumedesgalopins.fr)
The generation has nothing to do with size. Pomsky F4s are not necessarily smaller than F1s. However, as we progress through the generations, we reach stability in the breed. Greater stability means greater homogeneity in litters in terms of weight, morphology, and coat color.
The advantages of F1B crossbreeding:
Having a very Husky appearance and a large size.
The disadvantages of F1B crossbreeding: A dog sold for a much higher price than a Husky with a low percentage of Husky blood. Very large sizes sometimes similar to those of the Husky. Attractive to many breeders because it is a simple and inexpensive crossbreed.
The advantages of F1A crossbreeding:
A very small dog often with a teddy bear face.
The disadvantages of F1A crossbreeding: A dog with a very Spitz-like appearance, often with brown eyes, a character often resembling that of the Spitz, and not much of the Husky's character or morphology left.
To conclude:
There is no interest for me in working on F1B and F1A generations, as they do not bring anything more in terms of morphology or character.
Prices are often much higher than those of a pretty LOF Spitz or Husky, while the final result of the future puppy will be much more random and less accomplished.
F2: Second Pomsky Generation
The second-generation Pomsky is necessarily derived from two Pomsky parents!
So this is the first generation of Pomsky where both parents of your puppy will themselves be Pomsky.
In an ideal situation, a second-generation Pomsky will therefore be 50% Pomeranian and 50% Husky. This generation tends to vary more in terms of size and character than F3, F4, F5 generations because offspring can influence certain characteristics.
Generation F2B: Second Backcross Pomsky Generation. The F2B generation includes again a purebred parent, either 100% Husky or 100% Pomeranian. A purebred parent is then bred with a second-generation Pomsky.
As with F1B, there will be two types of F2B with identical percentages:
- Case 1 F2B: Cross between a 100% Husky and an F2 Pomsky (50% Husky - 50% Pomeranian)
- Case 2 F1A: Cross between a 100% Pomeranian and an F1 Pomsky (50% Husky - 50% Pomeranian)
The F2 generation remains a relatively unstable and unpredictable generation. This means that the breeder will have difficulty predicting the color and morphology of F2 Pomskies. Therefore, the same litter will have individuals with completely different characteristics. Again, it is important to choose your breeder carefully and select someone who can guide you according to your wishes and needs.
The advantages of the F2 :
When both parents of your future puppy are already Pomskies, so the puppy benefits from a first level of selection. The prices are often lower than those of F3, F4, F5 Pomskies. It is possible to find puppies of all sizes in this generation, from 5 to 13kg.
The disadvantages of the F2 cross are that there is only one generation of breeding back, and there is still a great variation in terms of size and morphology. It is important to do your research before choosing an F2 Pomsky.
Pomsky Generation F3
The third-generation Pomsky has two parents who are both second-generation F2 Pomskies or can be an F2 Pomsky and a third-generation F3 Pomsky.
Ideally, a third-generation Pomsky will have approximately 50% Pomeranian DNA and 50% Husky DNA.
With an F3 Pomsky, we are already at more than 3 generations of selection. Most of our adults are F3 or F4 Pomskies.
The advantages of an F3 :
They benefit from several years of selection and meets the physical and morphological criteria of a Pomsky.
The disadvantages of an F3 Pomsky
It is often expensive and still not very common in France.
To sum up, here is a summary table of the Pomsky and its different generations:

In any case, it is important, before buying a Pomsky puppy, to check that the parents of your future puppy are Embark tested and have only Husky Spitz DNA. If not, then you have no way of knowing if your puppy is a Pomsky or just a mixed breed.
If you want to go further, this website is interesting: Pomsky Generation – What is F1, F2, F1B, F1X (brooksidepomskies.com).x