How to Choose a Good Pomsky Breeder?

Pomsky Farm

This is a question that often comes up and many people wonder about: how to choose a good Pomsky breeder? Which Pomsky breeders are reputable? How can you be sure to buy a genuine Pomsky?

In this article, we will review the points to check and what we believe are important to verify before buying a Pomsky.

Choose a professional Pomsky breeder 

The Pomsky is not yet a recognized breed, it is an unrecognized crossbreed.

Seul un professionnel disposant d’un numéro de SIREN, ACACED et d’installations aux normes a le droit de vendre un Pomsky.
Only a professional breeder with a SIREN number, ACACED, and compliant facilities is allowed to sell a Pomsky. Please note that the SIREN number must correspond to the activity of animal sales and not to any other professional activity.

The law of January 2016 relating to the trade and protection of pet animals defines the rules to be respected for any paid transfer of a dog.
- A SIREN number is required, which can be obtained after declaration to the Chamber of Agriculture. It guarantees the traceability of the dog to avoid trafficking. If the breeder does not have registration, they may incur fines of up to 7500 euros.
- Having a certificate of domestic animals or any other professional certification related to dog-related professions.
- The premises housing the dogs must comply with sanitary rules. This is a way to guarantee the well-being of the animals.

When a private individual buys a dog from a professional breeder, they are protected and have insurance. For example, every professional has a duty of information, contract, mediator, and all these elements are intended to protect the individual.

You will find here the obligations for all breeders: "Breeding and sale of dogs and cats" |

A sales contract
and an invoice

When you buy your Pomsky, you must be given a sales contract and an invoice. This sales contract must include a certain number of elements, such as:

  • Sex, age, breed of the dog
  • SIREN number
  • Price
  • Age of the puppy
  • Mention of LOF (French Kennel Club) or non-LOF
  • Contact information of the breeder
  • Signature of both parties

The breeder must therefore provide you with an identification card, also known as an ICAD card, a sales contract, a veterinary certificate prior to transfer (attesting to the good health of your puppy), and a document on the needs and characteristics of your puppy.

I am attaching the link to an article that details all the documents you must have in your possession: "Sales certificate of a dog: necessary mentions and obligations of the seller" (


Pomsky F4 blue eyes

A reputable Pomsky breeder is available
and reliable :

A breeder must be available and answer all of your questions. They must also have a good knowledge of the breed and be able to talk to you about the DNA of their dogs, generation, selection, lineage. 

It is important to choose a breeder who will be able to accompany and guide you in the choice of your Pomsky, but also in the education of your puppy. You must be able to seek their advice and ask questions if you encounter any problems with your puppy. The arrival of a puppy in a home is a real upheaval!

A reputable Pomsky breeder only works with dogs with DNA from Huskies and Spitz. A percentage of 20% of certain other breeds such as Malamute is accepted.

Visit the breeder's facility We cannot stress enough how important it is to visit the facility of your future puppy for several reasons:

  • You can meet the breeder and see how they interact with their dogs.
  • You can see the living environment of the dogs and puppies.
  • Meet the parents of your future puppy and see how they behave and what their character is like.

This is very important as the character of the parents will influence that of the puppies.

Take your time
to find a breeder that suits you

It is important to take your time when choosing a breeder.
Ask questions, visit the facility, read articles, do research, and learn about the character and needs of the dog.

Beyond an adorable appearance, it is important to verify that the character of the dog is in line with what you are looking for and that the dog will fit into your lifestyle.

Owning a dog is a commitment for 15 years with a lot of joy but also a lot of responsibilities. You need to take them out, walk them, take care of their health, and find care for them during holidays.

Having a Pomsky will change your daily life.

Choose an ethical breeder

It is also important to inquire about the lives of the female dogs. Their age during their first litter, the number of litters they have during their life, and their retirement age.

You can visit the facility and see firsthand the conditions in which the animals live and the relationship the breeder has with their animals.

Choosing an ethical breeder is an act of advocacy and shows respect for animals.

Feel free to read our other articles about Pomskies on our : EN | Blog | Royaume Des Galopins

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